Saturday, July 20, 2013

This and That

     Well I am at the laundromat doing laundry because my moms washing machine broke! So I figured I would just write a little about the last week and a half.
     My diet has had it's highs and lows, but for the most part I am doing rather well. A typical weekday consist of a protein shake and a teaspoon of peanut butter for breakfast. Some turkey for lunch and for dinner I will have some sort of meat(dbl portion) and either green beans, snow peas with mushrooms and yes I even ate broccoli one night. For snacks it is beef jerky, almonds, peanuts and sometimes pork rinds. I also purchased some sugar free Popsicles in case I get a sweet tooth. I have been using the my fitness app and recording all of my food. On a normal day with no cheats I am consuming about 125 grams of protein and 25 grams of carbs and about 1100 calories. 
     I have ventured and tried a few new things. I bought a spring mix/ spinach salad mix and did not like it. The broccoli I roasted in the oven with olive oil, salt, pepper and minced garlic. When it came out I sprinkled Parmesan cheese on it... Yes it was quite yummy. Also tried some propel zero and it is not bad. Sugar free Popsicles and jello are something I would have never eaten before. Again not that bad.
     I am not really having a craving for any particular food(which is shocking) my worst day for craving was the day of our family reunion. I took my own food because I knew that there would not be one thing I could eat. But seeing the carb loaded tables and all of my family eating it, made me want to ravish everything... Especially the lemon cake.. Mom and I went to the store afterwards and I looked at every flippin box of cookies to check how many carbs. All of them were loaded... Sugar free or not. That night I had my first cheat... The jelly beans!
     What I have had the most trouble with is eating out. While I know that a steak and broccoli is a better choice, I don't make that choice. I cheated really bad that day with the pizza and I did have another cheat, but no where near as bad. the protein was still very high.As long as I have food with me at all times I don't get hungry enough that I see a sonic or ocharleys sign makes my mouth drool. This is something I am going to struggle with. I will tackle it a little at a time. They say that bread, pasta and rice swell in your stomach and will make you throw up. I am hoping for just that very thing to happen. I want to eat some Mac n cheese and I hurl big time, in hopes that I won't eat it anymore. 
     I have a lot of things to do this week. I am sure Thursday will be here before I know it. I have already put my vitamins in my granny med keeper. I have also purchased my protein shots($50) that I have to take the first week. Hoping my house stays as clean as possible. With Noah's impeccable ability to throw a peach or pear or chicken the length of a football field, my floor always has something on it... Lol. I have to be at the hospital at 9:30 am on Thursday. My surgery is scheduled for 11:30. Hopefully it will only be an overnight stay. It will be at Central Baptist Hospital in Lexington. 
     In the past week I have also been informed that if I can find something affordable that Noah and I will be able to move to a two bedroom, with central AC, dishwasher and washer and dryer(all of which we do not have now). Big things in the Kidd house... Well about to be one less big thing in the house... Me that is! Please just keep us in your prayers. Please pray that everything goes according to Gods plan. Cause I have learned that his plan... Is the only plan that will ever work! 

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