Monday, May 12, 2014

Been awhile

It has been forever since I have posted a blog. Nursing school happened and I am just now coming up for air. I am down 107lbs from my highest weight and 91 since surgery. I have been at a stand still for about 3 months now. Food is still my enemy and I struggle every single day. I have eaten out a lot this past semester, not logged my food and eaten crap. Panera shortbread iced cookies have over taken my world. I can eat bread, pasta and rice no problem, I just get fuller quicker. I started doing freezer meals and that works out really great for us. I find a recipe on Pinterest, tweek it to my specific needs for protein and then create. I measure everything out and place the recipe in my fitness pal. When I actually log everything it works out great.

My hair started to thin in October. It got really bad at the end of November. On Christmas Day I washed my hair and pulled out two huge handfuls of hair. That is when I decided to cut it all off. So I am back to my short style. I started using  the nioxin shampoo and taking a prenatal vitamin and biotin everyday. My hair is beginning to look a little thicker, so I have decided to grow it back out. I really did not want to cut it in the first place, but hey.... I also did not want to be able to see through my hair and pull out tons when I washed it. Good thing I can rock both a long and short style... Lol. So this summer I will be sporting the ever so lovely mullet... Please don't run when you see me.

I started at a size 26 in pants and a 4x in shirts. Currently I am a 16 in pants and an XL in shirts. I am grateful for my surgery and my weight loss but it has come with its worries. See at 302 pounds people expected me to have a ton of fat everywhere, and I becsme a very comfortable  in my fat. But now I have loose skin  and I am totally disgusted by it. Especially my arms and legs. I have looked for a swimsuit to wear , but I cry every time I put one on and cringe at the thought  of having to wear one in public.  But Noah is dead set on swimming so I must suck it up and roll with what I have to work with. I will say though that my face has not one wrinkle on it.... Which I am eternally thankful for ;)

I am officially a senior in  my nursing program. Hard to believe that this time next year I will be Beth Kidd, RN BSN! I mean that is exciting! My plan as of now is to graduate, get my job with UK and work until Noah starts kindergarten, then I will go back to school and do a bridge from my BSN-DNP. As if now I am pretty sure I have chosen PSYCH nursing. Hopefully I will be able to gainsome experience  in this field before I make my final decision. I loved it! I also love OB and really would love to be a midwife.... However the PSYCH Nurse Practitioner will work out better for scheduling purposes for Noah. We will see where the road of life takes me though.

I am taking classes this summer. One is a psychology class and the other is an elective. I will also be working at the hospital this summer. Nothing special but it is an experience that won't hurt me!  We are getting a pool pass to paradise cove and plan to be at the pool at least once a week. This kiddo of mine loves the water. We are also looking into making a trip to California this summer. I left four years ago and I really need to visit. I would live everyone to meet Noah.

That is it for now.... I will probably use this blog to post recipes I have made for my freezer meals! Until next time .... Beth the Kidd is signing off...

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